Vote for Those Committed To Improving Quality of Life

Dear Friend,

On Tuesday, November 7, we have the opportunity to vote for those candidates committed to improving the quality of life for us and future generations.

But, in order to be proactive and effectuate necessary changes, we must elect those candidates who are respectful of our people and culture, and are capable of working together for the betterment of the entire Virgin Islands.
I am urging you to vote for the new, fresh ideas offered by Carmen Miranda Wesselhoft, Number 5, the people’s choice for Senator-At-Large.

Carmen Miranda Wesselhoft, a proud St. Johnian-born Virgin Islander, respects our local small businesses, respects our laws, and most importantly, respects our people and culture.

If we want to restore civility, dignity and respect to the office of Senator-At-Large, we really only have one choice, Carmen Miranda Wesselhoft, Number 5, the people’s choice for Senator-At-Large.

On November 7, I respectfully ask you to vote for Carmen Miranda Wesselhoft, Number 5, our candidate for Senator-At-Large.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Randy Knight