A Thank You

St. John Tradewinds,

My good fortune in discovering Scott and Sabrina Crawford and their school three years ago is something wonderfully puzzling to me. Here they had created, upon educational tenets the image of my own, a school aspiring toward the future of education in our country, indeed and intriguingly right here on St. John: listening, questioning, practicing, experiencing, traveling.

One quality then another presents itself to indicate these friends to me, but perhaps an old question arises most: what the heck? What willed the two to build from scratch so much for education on St. John? Why their profound perseverance? Well, very many kids learning and doing very many more things is their reward. The sheer work of it for these two: a Master’s thesis that designs the school, then here’s the school above the ice company, next Middle States accreditation, and onward to the island’s first graduating class, merging with Pine Peace and a new campus. Epic success — and I’ve loved and admired Scott and Sabrina for all of it.

Meanwhile — suddenly then — I received the rarest gesture I’ll see.

Take it forward from here, they offered — and then their help for me to do so. Words fail me.

All my gratitude, love and appreciation to them both.

Ben Biddle
2006-07 Gifft Hill School Head Administrator